I did not come up with Amphitrite, the goddess of the sea, myself. I used the name and picture from the Greek Gods. I did come up with her super powers though. She can do all things water. Move it, change the weather, heal wounds related to the sea, and squirt it from her fingers. I really enjoy mythical creatures and my favorite Goddess is Amphitrite. Her want was to go to Texas to marry a Cowboy and live a normal life. Her need is to use her powers for good and stay home to be there for her community, where she belongs. I have similar experience with this because when I was choosing whether or not to stay in California when I visited there or come back to Texas, my home, it was very difficult. I genuinely did not know which choice was right, and there really was no right or wrong answer. Amphitrite struggles with the same decisions and how there is no clear correct choice. The want stems from her wanting to be different and go against social norms. She wants to be like the people she sees on TV and wants to experience life without water and the sea. She specifically wants to date a Texas boy, bull rider, boots, hat, and all. Basically the opposite of herself.  Amphitrite needs to stay home and use her superpowers for good in her community. The sea is a dangerous place and her family and friends need her protection with the power she has with the water. Her sister died from being on land, and she has in her min that her sister would want her to do the exact same thing that she did, leave home and go travel on land. Which is not true, her sister would want her to stay home an do what she did not do.  The decision points and branches in my story address these motivations slowly but surely. There are three ways this story could end up, and each different one points out how Amphitrite looks up to her sister and how close she was to her. They also show how rebellious she is, with deciding to stay out late even though she has to get up early, or staying longer than planned. I came up with the story beats by choosing three places they were going to go. I actually looked up the places, studied them, and made the answer choices based off of things to do that were in these cities/ places. The goal was to get to Corpus Christi, I stalled at first and then sped the process up, showing how eager Amphitrite was to get there towards the end. I worked to align the reader's interests with the character's motivations by making Amphitrite in her 20s, with the same desires as most college students, like going out. Family is also an emotional subject I decided to add because most college students do not get to see their family, so I thought it would grab their attention by introducing a tragedy right away. 

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